Why Am I Here?

This blog is my attempt to chronicle my journey to get fit, its ups and downs, and show my progress on reaching my goal of running an entire 5K race! Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Slowly Committing Suicide

I know the title sounds dramatic, but it's a phrase that has rocked me ever since reading it. I'll get to that in a bit. Tonight I had dinner with my dad. I was talking to him about my weight loss and what I'm doing right now to get healthy. He told me that he had a picture of me from 2 years ago.

When I got home, I reminded him to email it to me. When I got it, I was shocked yes, but sad. You see, I had seen that phrase in my title in a fitness article. Someone had said that they were slowly committing suicide by the food choices and lifestyle they were living. Looking at that picture, I saw myself doing that. In that moment in that picture, I knew I was overweight, I was not happy, but I didn't realize the magnitude of my problem. I didn't realize that in that moment, I was killing myself. 

Two years later, I am in a better place. I want to live. I want to live a long life. And I don't want to go back there. I have dieted before, lost many pounds, and have gone back up. Not being that person is a day to day struggle. Like a drug addict, leaving the addiction behind is difficult. It's a daily choice to stay "clean." Addicts stay clean by going through rehab, having a sponsor, and a support group. Well I have better than that... I have two coaches, supportive family and friends, and a mighty God who wants the best for me. I believe this time I can beat it and live healthy.

My thoughts to you: Are you slowly committing suicide? Are you limiting the number of days you live? I urge you to today to truly look at your condition, find support, pray to God for strength, and get started. Live.



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