"Cinderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss a fellow. Made a mistake and kissed a snake...." If you are a girl, you probably remember that famous chant. It was sang over and over again as a young child jumping rope. You remember right? Your friends and you would spend hours jumping over and over. Boys you probably remember us too, right? You'd always run through the rope and we'd scream at you! Did you realize you were interrupting some serious calorie burning?!?!?
Yup, I'm going back to my childhood days and bringing back the jump rope!! I'm going old school on my exercise. Did you know that jumping rope is one of the BEST exercises you can do?!?!? I started picking it up again. I do it while watching t.v. How easy of an exercise is that? But do you really know why you should be doing the same thing? Do you?
Check out these stats from Livestrong.com:
Four hours of fast rope jumping burns the caloric equivalent of more than 1 lb. of body weight. Although you may not jump rope for multiple hours per week, you can still burn calories jumping rope. Body weight and speed dictate calories burned during 10 minutes of activity.
125-lb. Person
A 125-lb. person burns 76 calories during 10 minutes of jumping rope at a slower speed and 113 calories during 10 minutes of fast rope jumping. A fast speed uses 37 more calories than slower jumping.
150-lb. Person
A 150-lb. person burns 91 calories during 10 minutes of slow rope jumping and 136 calories during 10 minutes of fast rope jumping. A fast speed uses 45 more calories than slower jumping.
200-lb. Person
A 200-lb. person burns 121 calories during 10 minutes of slow rope jumping and 181 calories during 10 minutes of fast rope jumping. A fast speed uses 60 more calories than slower jumping.
So of course you know I had to put this to the test, right? Well I own a BodyBugg. It is an arm band that calculates the number of calories you burn during activity. The other night I did 8 sets of 25 jumps. I burned 110 calories. It took me about 10 minutes. Can you believe that???? In 10 minutes, I burned 110 calories. I just burned off my Starbucks mocha or that soda you picked up. So if you have the knees for it, pick up a jump rope each night and do some sets. Take a 20-30 second break between each set to catch your breath and a drink of water. Then get back at it. It is the cheapest ($5-$8 for a quality jump rope) and fastest way to get your body moving!
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